Lowongan Kerja Interior Designers - Pixelism Interior Design

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Interior Designer

Pixelism Interior Design Kompetitif SMK/D3/S1 Fulltime Batam, Riau
Pixelism Interior Design kini sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai Interior Designer.


  • Pendidikan :
  • SMK/D3/S1
  • Status Kerja :
  • Fulltime
  • Besaran Gaji :
  • Kompetitif
  • Lokasi Kerja :
  • Batam, Riau

Interior Designer

  • Proficiency in design softwore (AutoCAD, SketchUp/3dsMax, Vray, Adobe Photoshop)
  • Good working attitude, self-motivated, responsible, and willing to learn
  • Can work well under pressure
  • Good presentable drawing in 3D
  • Experience is a plus

Submit your CV

  • Email :
  • Nomor Telepon :
  • 0823-8415-8996

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